The Dog Scientist 

Last week I found out that my dog is a scientist. And I'll tell you how I found out.
 I couldn't sleep last week because of all the noise going down in the basement. I tried putting a pillow over my head yelling at every -thing to just shut up. I was always sick because I get migraines and they make me throw up. I tried to go sleep in the closet. I guess my sister already had the same idea and was all ready in there. 
I needed a place to sleep.
Maybe the washroom was the best move but it was the WORST Because of the vibrations from the tub.
I went down to the basement to see what was going on and the dog was wearing glasses.    


  1. You have a great idea for a story but is seems incomplete. Make sure the prompt fits with the story and not just used because you had to. That is the challenging part.


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